Welcome to the Northern Illinois University Department of Geography blog pages! Refer to these pages to stay abreast of past, present and planned activities within our Department. For more detailed information concerning our history, degree programs and faculty, please visit the NIU Department of Geography website.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

As many as 280 geographers have just one destination on their minds this week: NIU

The NIU Department of Geography is hosting the annual meeting of the West Lakes Division of the Association of American Geographers.

This year’s meeting will be held jointly with the East Lakes Division. The meeting begins with an evening reception on Thursday, Oct. 25, and concludes with afternoon field trips on Saturday, Oct. 27.

“Based upon pre-registration totals to date, we expect 230 to 280 geography faculty, professionals and students here in DeKalb,” said Andrew Krmenec, geography chair.

For more information, click here.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Noted Palentologist to speak at Augustana College on Oct. 4th

Augustana College will be hosting a free public lecture by noted paleoanthropologist Dr. Louise Leakey from the Koobi Fora Research Project in Kenya, Africa. Louise is the granddaughter of famous paleoanthropologists Louis and Mary Leakey and the daughter of paleoanthropoloigsts Richard and Meave Leakey. She will be giving a lecture titled "A Human Journey: What Fossils Tell Us." The lecture will be held on Thursday, October 4th from 7:30-8:30pm. For more information, please follow the links:

