Geography office staff members, Dawn Sibley (right) and Barb Voga (center) are shown receiving their MyNIU service recognition awards from the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences. As many of our students know, MyNIU is a student records database system integrating all aspects of students' progress through NIU from the time of application through to graduation. Students utilize MyNIU to register for courses, select a major (or minor or certificate), pay Bursar's bills, manage their student aid, and verify completion of requirements for the degree. NIU's conversion to this single integrated database systems was a massive undertaking, filled with all sorts of challenges. Since most of those "challenges" could only be experienced by users of the new system, not the system's developers, the College of Liberal Arts & Sciences specifically sought to identify those exceptional office staff and advisors who patiently identified bottlenecks and problems in the new system and assisted developers by documenting the problem and by testing and retesting system fixes.
Barb was recognized for her work with the new course scheduling system, from the challenge of linking multiple lab sections of a course with a single lecture section to scheduling labs and classes into rooms not listed in the database as "class rooms." Dawn was recognized for her work in verifying the department's majors, minors, and certificate students in MyNIU (more than 250), for manually entering all 200+ student names into advisement lists in MyNIU so that department advisors could access student records, and for providing advisors with paper copies of incoming transfer student records and assisting those new students with course registration through the summer 2008 transition period.
Barb, Dawn and numerous other MyNIU "heroes" were honored by the College at a September 26th reception held in the Clara Sperling Sky Room.